IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that School and Work Site cancellations and announcements are found under the first tab of the table below. Bus Route cancellations and announcements are found under the second tab of the table below.

Transportation (Busing) Inquiries
If you have a question about busing, bus stops or bus routes, please contact SRCE Transportation staff by email at or by phone at 902-747-3645/1-800-650-4448. We will be happy to help.
For bussing emergencies, please contact:
902-747-3642; 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For more information about class cancellation and/or bus service announcements, please refer to the following documents:

·Class and/or Bus Delays/Cancellations Due to Weather and/or Road Conditions: A Quick Reference Guide

·Class and/or Bus Delays/Cancellations Due to Weather and/or Road Conditions Procedures

School and Work Site Cancellations and Announcements
School and Work Site Cancellations and Announcements

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